Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


fl esh, using a twisting motion of your wrist while pressing
gently down into the melon fl esh. Th ere may be one small
fl at area on the ball and you will want to hide it as you
position the melon ball within the fruit salad.

If you want to remove the peel from a soft fruit such as
a mango, peach, or pear, you should use either a sharp
paring knife or a sharp vegetable peeler. Because the fl esh
is tender and easily bruised, take care when handling and
grasp the fruit gently. After the peel is removed, dip the
fruit in a Fruit Fresh Produce Protector water bath. Th e
fruit may have unwanted ridges after the peeling process.
At this point, it may be necessary to smooth the texture
of the fruit with a paring knife. Be sure to dip the fruit
into the water bath after this process.

Building a Fruit Salad and Taking It to Set

Let’s take a look at some tricks you can use to enhance
the dimension of a fruit salad. If your hero fruit salad is
to be in an opaque bowl, fi ll the bowl two-thirds full with
a thick instant mashed potato mixture that acts as a fi ller.
If your fruit salad is in a clear bowl, you can still use the
mashed potato fi ller, but be careful to conceal the potato
mixture with fruit as you build the salad. Using this
technique gives you a sturdy base for the fruit salad and
also gives you the opportunity to create height diff erences
in the salad by adding or taking away some of the mashed

Melon balls are easy to make if you have the right tool.
Most melon ball tools have scoops on both ends. Th e
scoops are usually slightly diff erent in size so you will
want to determine which size works best for your needs.
Practice before you start to make hero melon balls. Cut
a melon in half lengthwise. Remove all seeds from the
melon with a metal spoon. Place the melon ball tool on
the cut edge of the melon in the richest color area, avoid-
ing the rind as well as the area where the seeds form.
With the scoop of the melon ball tool, cut into the melon
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