The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1


88 The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating

Friends or something more?

When someone you really like says, “I just want to be friends,” it can be hard to
take, especially when you see that person being romantic with someone else.
You may be hurting, but you’re not helpless. You alwayshave choices for han-
dling any situation. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Is a friendship better than nothing? It might be, if you like the person
    and can put aside your romantic feelings and enjoy the friendship. On the other
    hand, you may have trouble shelving your emotions. In this case, it may be
    wiser to choose notto be friends for now.

  • Can I really be a good friend? You may find that you can’t be with the per-
    son without wishing the relationship were more than it is. If so, maybe you
    can’tbe a good friend until your romantic feelings subside. In that case, saying
    “no thanks” is a healthy decision.

Friendships with people you like more than “just friends” canwork. If, in
your heart, the friendship feels right, this could be a great opportunity to learn
about yourself and what it means to be a true friend. Remember, many suc-
cessful romantic relationships start out as friendships. This may not happen in
your case... but then again, it might!

She only thinks of me

as her best friend

Hey Terra,

I already know what I want in a girlfriend. I’ve even met her! The problem is she just thinks of
me as her best friend. She’s a great girl, and if her stupid boyfriend wasn’t around making her
life so miserable by cheating on her, she might notice that I have feelings for her that are way
more serious than just friendship. She always asks for my advice, but what should I tell her to
get her to wake up and see that the guy who loves her most is standing right here?!

Just J.J.’s Friend
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