92 The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating
Too Stressed to Think?
A Teen Guide to Staying Sane When
Life Makes You Crazy
by Annie Fox, M.Ed., and Ruth Kirschner
When stress has the “survival brain” on
overdrive, what happens to the “thinking
brain”? How can teens learn to use the
mind-body connection to stay cool and
make smart choices when the pressure’s
on? Practical information, stress-lessen-
ing tools, quotes from real teens, and real-
istic scenarios help teens reduce or stop
the stress and make decisions that won’t
leave them lamenting, “What was I thinking?” For ages 13 & up.
$14.95; 208 pages; softcover; 6" x 9"
Click to order from:
Free Spirit Publishing
AnnieFox.com (and she’ll autograph it with a personal message)