The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1

ll healthyrelationships grow in the direction of greater trust, more honesty,
deeper respect, and more open communication. Romantic relationships
also grow in yet another dimension. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, you may
want to become closer to that person physically as well as emotionally, and you
may be struggling with the confusing question, “How far should we go?”
When you’re a teen, your body experiences hormone surges, physical
changes, and an awakening of sexual feelings. Combine those changes and emo-
tions with exposure to explicit song lyrics and sensual images on TV, in movies,
and in magazines, add a dose of peer pressure from friends who may push you
to become sexually active, and you may be wondering, “Should I be having sex?
Is it right or wrong? What’s right for me? What will happen if I have sex?”
Sex is a complicated issue—for adults as well as teens. This is because being
sexually active involves deep emotional feelings and potentially life-changing
physical risks. Sex also changes relationships and not always for the better
(despite what the media images portray). Beforeyou get too intimate, consider
how sex might affect your feelings about yourself and your boyfriend/girlfriend
and what the physical consequences might be.


C H A P T E R 4


Sex, Unhealthy Romantic

Relationships, and Good-byes

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