The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1


Sex, Unhealthy Romantic Relationships, and Good-byes 99

My girlfriend is pregnant!

Hey Terra,

My girlfriend and I have a big problem. She just took a home pregnancy test and found out
that she’s pregnant. We’re both fifteen. What should we do?


Dear Help,

I’m very sorry that you have to deal with this situation. You and your girlfriend have important
decisions to make, and you’re going to need all the support you can get.
The first thing you need is adult help. I don’t know what kind of relationship either of you
has with your parents, but I suggest you talk to the parent you think will be the most under-
standing. It won’t be an easy conversation, but you can’t ignore a pregnancy; this is too much
for the two of you to deal with alone.
If you can’t count on any of your parents or if there’s not another caring adult you can
talk to, call 1-800-230-PLAN (1-800-230-7526), the national hotline for Planned Parenthood.
By calling, you’ll be transferred to the Planned Parenthood clinic closest to you. You and your
girlfriend can make an appointment by phone to go to a clinic and get help sorting out your
options. If you’re not comfortable contacting Planned Parenthood, make an appointment with
a doctor who can help you decide what to do.
I hope everything works out for you and your girlfriend, and I wish you both well.

In friendship,

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