Sex, Unhealthy Romantic Relationships, and Good-byes 117
What’s going on with my boyfriend?
Hey Terra,
My boyfriend has been acting weird lately. We used to spend more time together than we do
now. And when we’re together, he spends a lot of time talking about his ex and how sexy
and cool she is. I’ve been hurt by guys a lot in the past, and my boyfriend knows that. And
even though he swears that he’d never hurt me, I wonder why he’s talking about her so much.
I’m really worried.
What’s Up?
Dear What’s Up,
If your boyfriend knows that you’ve been hurt by guys a lot, he may be afraid to tell you how
he’s really feeling. His lack of attention and his talk about his ex could be his way of slowly
ending your relationship.
I suggest that you ask him to be honest. The longer he hides things from you, the harder
it will be to reveal the truth. Take the lead and ask your boyfriend to talk openly about the
future of your relationship. If he admits that he has romantic feelings for his ex, you may feel
hurt and rejected, but at least you’ll know where you stand. If you get the support you need
after a breakup, the hurt will heal much faster. Talk to your friends or a trusted adult about
your feelings, instead of bottling them up. Take care.
In friendship,