The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1


Sex, Unhealthy Romantic Relationships, and Good-byes 125

I’m having a hard time getting

over my girlfriend

Hey Terra,

My girlfriend broke up with me seventeen days ago at a party. I knew that this other guy in
our class liked her, but whenever I asked her if she liked him back, she said no. I guess she
was lying. Now I feel like nothing she ever said to me was true. So even when I asked her
what I had done to cause her to break up with me, she said, “Nothing. You are very sweet.”
If I’m so sweet, how come she’s with him now? Maybe if it doesn’t work out with them, she’ll
come back to me. If she doesn’t, I don’t know what I’ll do. I’m having a really hard time here,
and I was wondering if you could please help.

Lost and Loving

Dear Lost and Loving,

A broken heart can heal, but it takes time. I’m sure it’s not easy to see your ex and her new
boyfriend every day at school. To make matters worse, you’re wondering if your girlfriend was
lying to you throughout the relationship. The only way to find out is to ask. Talk to your girl-
friend about her reasons for breaking up with you. Once you know, you can begin to let go.
After a breakup, it’s normal to feel hurt and to long for things to go back to the way they
were. Get support from friends or an adult you trust. Soon, you’ll be ready to begin the next
chapter of your life. Call some friends that you might have been too busy to spend time with
when you and your girlfriend were together. Make plans to do things you enjoy. A great way
to get over a heartbreak is to start some new activities and relationships in your life. Thanks
for writing.

In friendship,

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