The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1


126 The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating

I miss my ex

and I want her back!

Hey Terra,

My ex and I broke up over something really dumb. She’s going out with someone else right
now, and they’re very serious with each other, but he’s not right for her at all. Besides, I still
love her and when she looks at me, I just know that she still loves me, too. I even dream
about us being together again. How can I get her to break up with her boyfriend and get
back with me?

Take Me Back

Dear Take Me Back,

I understand that you still care for your ex, but it’s hard to say for sure if she feels the same
way. She’s dating someone else now, which means it’s time for you to let go. If the two of you
broke up for a “dumb” reason, it may be worth telling her that you’re open to the idea of
getting back together someday. Don’t push the idea, though. Once you’ve had your say, move
on with your life.
Get involved in a hobby you’ve always wanted to learn about or a sport you want to get
better at. Stretching your mind and body in new directions can take some of the strain off of
your broken heart. These activities will also offer opportunities to meet new people. As time
goes by, you may meet another girl you’d like to ask out, or you may come to realize that your
breakup with your ex was a positive thing. Good luck!

In friendship,
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