Friends, Peers, and Enemies 139
My friend has no idea what’s
going on with me
Hey Terra,
My friend is constantly making assumptions about what’s going on between me and my girl-
friend. He has this weird idea that she’s manipulative and is using me. He saw us once when
we were in the middle of an argument. She was saying some stuff about how she would go
back with her old boyfriend if I didn’t get her two dozen roses and a really awesome gift for
her birthday. She was just kidding around, but my friend thought she was serious.
Me and my girlfriend have a really good relationship, and there’s no way that she’s using
me. If my friend knew anything about my relationship, he wouldn’t even think that.
Dear Misunderstood,
Has communication between you and your friend gone bad? If so, why? Has your relationship
changed since you’ve gotten a girlfriend? He may feel left out and even a little jealous of the
time you spend with her. Also, because he cares about you, he doesn’t want to see you get
hurt, and you can’t blame him for that. Maybe you’re not talking to your friend about your girl-
friend, which is why he’s making assumptions about what things are really like between you.
I suggest that you tell him why you care for your girlfriend and explain that you really do
respect each other. Invite your friend to spend time with the two of you, and then he can see
for himself that the relationship is healthy. Keep the lines of communication open between
you and your friend, so your friendship stays strong. Just because you have a girlfriend now
doesn’t mean you don’t need other friends anymore. I wish you well.
In friendship,