144 The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating
We made a pact not to mess around
with each other’s boyfriends
Hey Terra,
I can’t believe the mess I’m in, but my two best friends wouldn’t be friends anymore if one of
them knew what the other one did. I wish I didn’t know, but I do. You see, I just found out
this afternoon that my friend “A” slept with my friend “T’s” boyfriend. “A” told me this her-
self, and then she begged me to keep my mouth shut and I agreed. I know this isn’t fair to
“T,” but what am I supposed to do? When the three of us became best friends in sixth grade,
we made this pact that we’d nevermess around with each other’s boyfriends, not even after
one of us broke up with him—and certainly not when one of us was still going out with him!
What should I do about this mess?
In a Mess
Dear In a Mess,
What a totally unfair position for “A” to put you in! Tell her that you aren’t going to lie for
her anymore. She has broken a major agreement with “T,” and “T’s” boyfriend has betrayed
her, too. I don’t blame you for not wanting to be a part of this secret.
I suggest that you tell “A” you’re removing yourself from the middle of this situation
because you don’t want to take sides. Recommend that she admit the truth, because “T” is
going to hear about it from someone else anyway. Secrets like this don’t stay secret for long.
If she refuses to tell the truth, let her know that youwill. “T” deserves to know what really
Betraying a friend is a sure way to bust up any friendship, a lesson that “A” needs to
learn. Meanwhile, “T” will need some support, and you can give it to her. Remember to take
care of yourself while you’re dealing with all of this. Thanks for writing.
In friendship,