The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1


Friends, Peers, and Enemies 153

Dear Sorry,

Someone who’s friends with you trusts that you’ll always act like a friend. When you “trash”
a friend, he/she can’t help but feel betrayed, and that’s what’s going on here. You’ve learned
the hard way how much it hurts when you break one of the ground rules of friendship.
What can you do about it now? Tell your friend face-to-face or write her a letter explain-
ing why you did what you did. Maybe you were trying to impress the guy, or maybe you were
getting back at your friend for something you think she did to you. Whatever the reason, apol-
ogize and assure her that it won’t ever happen again.
I hope she’ll forgive you. If not, you still learned a very important lesson about friendship.
Good luck!

In friendship,

My best friend stole my girlfriend!

Hey Terra,

I went away on vacation with my family, and while I was gone, my best friend asked out my
girlfriend. She said yes, even though we’re only supposed to date each other. They went to
the movies and a couple of other places. When I came back and found out about it, I was
really shocked. At first, my girlfriend said it was “nothing,” but then she broke up with me
and started going out with my friend. That hurt a lot, but they seemed happy, so I didn’t say
anything. Then she dumped my friend, but I hear he still likes her. I still like her, too, and
tonight she called and asked me out. Should I go back with her? What about my best friend—
I don’t want to hurt his feelings since he still likes her so much. What should I do?


Dear Aaargh,

You’re a very kindhearted young man. I must admit that I’m surprised you still consider this
guy your best friend after he betrayed you like he did. You’re concerned about hurting his

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