The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1


154 The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating

feelings, but I doubt he was thinking about yourfeelings when he asked out your girlfriend.
And speaking of your girlfriend, she hasn’t proven to be very trustworthy, especially since you
two had an agreement not to go out with other people.
If you’re going to continue a relationship with both of these people, you need to have a
serious talk with them and let them know how you feel about what happened. Tell them how
hurt you are and ask them why they did what they did. You can either confront them both at
the same time or talk to them separately. Do whatever you feel comfortable with.
One word of caution: being compassionate is a wonderful quality, but make sure that
you don’t let other people take advantage of you. You can stand up for what you know is
right, communicate what you expect from a friend, and not lose one bit of your kindness and
sensitivity. I wish you well.

In friendship,

What if your girlfriend’s best

friend comes on to you?

Hey Terra,
This may sound unbelievable, but my girlfriend’s best friend came on to me. We were wait-
ing in my car for my girlfriend to come out of school (we all carpool together), and this girl
kissed me! I was really surprised, and I didn’t kiss her back. Then my girlfriend got in the car,
and her friend acted like nothing had happened. What’s up with that? This is my girlfriend’s
so-called best friend!


Dear RSVP,
I congratulate you for being a trustworthy boyfriend. Even though you were probably very sur-
prised by what the girl did, you knew exactly the right thing to do (not to kiss back).
Of course, you don’t want this happening again, so it would be best to talk to your girl-
friend’s best friend and tell her that you were really uncomfortable about what happened in
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