The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1



184 The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating

Dealing With Divorce
If your parents are recently separated or divorced, you’re probably dealing with
many changes. Things may feel like they’re changing even if it has been a while
since your parents separated or divorced. This site was set up to answer the most
common questions teens have about coping with divorce and separation.

My parents are pressuring me to get all A’s.

Hey Terra,

I go to a private school, and my parents are stressing me out about how much the tuition costs
and what a sacrifice they’re making for me. I’m feeling pressured already by the amount of
work the teachers give us and worrying about doing well enough to get into a good college.
When my parents say stuff like, “B’s just aren’t good enough” and “You should be getting A’s
for all the money we’re spending,” I feel even more stressed. They have lots of money, so I think
they might be saying this stuff to make me feel guilty. All I know is that I get a stomachache
when they say that kind of stuff to me, which makes it even harder to study!


Dear Help,

You’re absolutely right, it doesn’t help anyone perform better when they’re being pressured
in the way you describe. In fact, the stress of having to live up to other people’s standards
makes it harder to do your best. But don’t assume that the high cost of tuition isn’t hard on
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