Getting Along with Parents 197
Why don’t my parents trust me?
Hey Terra,
I’m an honor-roll student, but nothing I do seems to meet my parents’ standards because they
always think I could have done better. I’m also a very “good” kid who doesn’t smoke or do
drugs or anything, but they still don’t trust me. How come?
Not Good Enough
Dear Not Good Enough,
My suggestion is that you tell your parents how you feel about the pressure they put on you
to excel and about the lack of trust they have in you. Be honest and calm when you have this
discussion. Ask them why they act this way and give them a chance to respond. By talking
with them respectfully and listening to what they have to say, you might get them to see your
point of view. If this doesn’t work, keep right on making wise choices and being responsible.
I know it hurts not to get the acknowledgment you want and deserve from your parents, but
realize that you aren’t being “good” for them—but because it’s right for you.I have a lot of
respect for the positive choices you’re making in your life. Keep it up!
In friendship,
Bringing Up Parents: The Teenager’s Handbook by Alex J. Packer, Ph.D.
(Minneapolis: Free Spirit Publishing Inc., 1992). This entertaining yet informa-
tive book offers straight talk and specific suggestions on how teens can improve
family relationships, resolve conflicts with parents, and help create a healthier
home environment.