The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1


208 The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating

and it takes effort on both sides to make things work. But if you arewilling to
work at it, you canget along better. You may be older or younger than your sib-
lings and totally different in lots of other ways, but you’re still entitled to:

  • your feelings

  • your opinions

  • your chance to be heard

  • your desire to get what you need
    ... and so is your sibling. For ideas on resolving conflicts, see Chapter 9,
    “Conflict Resolution Tool Kit,” on pages 229–237.
    Believe it or not, brothers and sisters are people, too! So treat each other as
    you like to be treated. Improving your relationship with your siblings will mean
    a more peaceful family life, now and in the future. Your parents will be happy
    to see you getting along so well and, years from now, your family reunions will
    be much more pleasant!

My twin sister is pushing me away

Hey Terra,

My twin sister and I have always been so close, but something’s changed, and I feel like she’s
pushing me away. What can I do about it?


Dear Twinless,
Your sister might be going through a phase where she’s trying to become more independent
from her ever-present twin, which is a natural urge for each of you. Or she might be struggling
with a problem that she’s unwilling or afraid to talk about.
I suggest that you talk to your sister about what’s going on. You could start the conver-
sation by saying, “I’ve been feeling lonely for you lately. I miss our talks and feeling that you
and I always know what’s going on with each other. If you just need some time on your own,
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