About-Face (Web site), 28
abstinence, 96, 97
abusive relationships
complexity of, 106–107
definition of, 106
getting help, 108
hotlines for, 108–109
identifying, 107–108
responding to abuse, 109–113
self-esteem and, 107
types of, 106
acquired immune deficiency syndrome
(AIDS), 97
advisors, school. Seeauthority figures
aggression. Seeanger
agreements, keeping
dealing with broken promises, 142–144
as a foundation for trust, 141–142
parent-child agreements, 185–187
types of agreements, 141
AIDS (acquired immune deficiency
syndrome), 97
Al-Anon and Alateen (Web site), 212
alcohol abuse, Web sites dealing with, 212
American Suicide Survival Line (hotline), 146
about everything, 13–14
books about, 14
channeling your anger, 11
importance of releasing, 11
steps for dealing with, 11–12
Web sites dealing with, 14
appearance. Seelooks
authority figures
being honest and direct with, 217–218
dealing with athletic coaches, 226–227
dealing with bosses, 224–225
dealing with parents of boyfriends/
girlfriends, 218–219
dealing with school advisors, 225–226
dealing with teachers, 219–220, 223–224
getting to know them as individuals, 216
handling conflict with
preparing for a conversation, 221–222
projecting possible outcomes, 220–221
writing letters, 222–223
questioning the authority of, 223
understanding your feelings about, 216
See alsoconflicts
Basso, Michael J., 100
Bell, Ruth, 100
Be Yourself: Questions and Answers for Gay,
Lesbian, and Bisexual Youth
(Web site), 178
birth control, 96
birth order, effect of, 201–202
blended families, and sibling competition, 202
body appearance. Seelooks
bosses. Seeauthority figures
Bouris, Karen, 105
boyfriend/girlfriend relationships
being too picky, 61–62
from best friend relationships, 88–91
breaking up, 113–121
deciding what matters most, 57–59, 62–63
discovering what you have to offer, 59–60
falling in love with people who are
unavailable, 40–41, 50
fantasizing about, 40–41
finding boyfriends/girlfriends, 38–40, 61–63
finding your type, 61
importance of nonromantic friendships,
importance of self-confidence in, 47–48
keeping an open mind, 60–62
and loneliness, 38
long distance, 85–87
making the first move, 47–48
making them work
assessing your relationship, 66
cheating on each other, 69–73
discussing feelings, 83–84
elements of healthy relationships, 65–66
importance of honesty, 66–69
importance of open communication, 63,
importance of respect, 64, 74–76
trust vs.jealousy, 77–81
obsessing about falling in love, 36, 38–39, 56
overcoming shyness, 49–50
recovering from break ups, 122–129