The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1


redefining relationships, 84
and self-esteem, 41
telling if someone likes you, 48–49, 54–55
true love at first sight, 37
unhealthy relationships
abusive relationships, 106–113
large age differences, 106
unequal love, 106
Web sites dealing with, 47
when being friends isn’t enough, 55
See alsodating; sex
breaking up
accepting each other’s differences, 119
difficulty of, 114
making the decision, 116, 118
reasons for, 113–114
recovering from
easing the pain, 123
grieving, 122, 125
moving on with your life, 126–129
understanding the break up, 122, 124
talking about your relationship, 117, 120
tips for, 114–115, 121
breast size, problems with, 28–29
Bringing Up Parents: The Teenager’s Handbook, 197
brothers. Seesibling relationships
Cage Your Rage for Teens: A Guide to Anger
Control, 14
Changing Bodies, Changing Lives: A Book for Teens
on Sex and Relationships, 100
chat rooms
concerns about, 194
at The InSite, 20
pressure from friends, 33–34
on your boyfriend/girlfriend
agreements about, 51, 69–70
casual vs.exclusive relationships, 51–52
questions to ask yourself about, 70–72, 73
responding to, 72, 81
child-parent relationships. Seeparent-child
clothes, picking your own, 170–171
coaches. Seeauthority figures
Cobain, Bev, 22
coming out. Seehomosexuality
communication. See underspecific topics
competition, sibling
being the “good” kid, 205

for boyfriends/girlfriends, 203–204
factors affecting, 201–202
living in a sibling’s shadow, 204, 206
reasons for, 200
condoms, 96–98
difficulties of handling, 230, 231
importance of dealing with, 231
inevitability of, 230
tips for resolving
brainstorming solutions, 234
listening effectively, 233
remaining calm, 232
taking responsibility, 233–234
using a mediator, 234
using “I messages,” 232–233
using family meetings to resolve
announcing meetings, 235
establishing ground rules, 235–237
scheduling the meeting, 235
value of, 234
conscience. Seeinner voice
contraception, 96
counselors, school, 32–33
Covenant House Nineline (hotline and
Web site), 23
criticism, responding to parents’, 172–173, 175
Cullen, Murray C., 14
agreements about, 51, 69–70
behind your parents’ backs, 196
casual vs.exclusive relationships, 51–52
cheating on each other, 69–73
dating someone younger, 9–10
dealing with parents’ concerns about, 187–190
importance of planning, 51
online, 189–190
overcoming fears, 53–54
tips on asking out, 52
See alsoboyfriend/girlfriend relationships
Dealing With Divorce (Web site), 184
death. Seegrief
asking for advice, 31
improving your style of, 30–31
living with your decisions, 32
strategies for, 31–32
talking with school counselors, 32–33

The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating
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