The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1


importance of communication in, 207–208
large age differences and, 202
living in a sibling’s shadow, 204, 206
respecting privacy, 209–210
siblings who won’t talk, 212–213
siblings with drug abuse problems, 211–212
special nature of, 203
twins, 208–209
sisters. Seesibling relationships
STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), 96–98
stepparents, getting along with, 181–182
Straight Talk About Anger, 14
Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE)
(Web site), 149
substance abuse, Web sites dealing with, 212
books about, 146
finding help, 22
hotlines for, 146
responding to threats of, 145–146
Web sites dealing with, 146
supervisors. Seeauthority figures
teachers. Seeauthority figures
Teenline (hotline), 177
Teen Love: On Relationships (Chicken Soup for the
Teenage Soul Series), 105
teen-parent relationships. Seeparent-child
TeensHealth (Web site), 47
TeenTalk (Web site), 100
touching, as a human need, 94–95
Trevor Helpline (hotline), 179
Troccoli, Karen Lieberman, 100
betrayals of
between best friends and boyfriends/
girlfriends, 151–152, 153–155

tips for resolving, 151
“trashing” a friend, 152–153
books about, 197
in boyfriend/girlfriend relationships,
77–78, 81
definition of, 77
between friends, 150
in parent-child relationships, 192–193, 197
See alsojealousy
twins, 208–209
Underground Guide to Teenage Sexuality, The: An
Essential Handbook for Today’s Teens and
Parents, 100
unique, being, 7–8, 156–157
hotlines for, 108–109
between teens, 161
Web sites dealing with, 109, 149
weight problems. Seelooks
When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide
for Depressed Teens, 22
When Women Stop Hating Their Bodies:
Freeing Yourself from Food and Weight
Obsession, 27
Winning! How Teens (and Other Humans) Can
Beat Anger and Depression, 14
Wright, Joan, 14
“You messages,” 232–233
youngest children, 201
Youth Resource (Web site), 141
Youth Work Links and Ideas (Web site), 23

The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating
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