The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1


When Annie Fox’s first book People Are Like
Lollipops (Holiday House, 1971) was published,
she wasn’t even old enough to legally sign the
contract. By the time she turned twenty-one,
though, she had decided that helping kids was
going to be her life’s work.
Within a few years of graduating from
Cornell University with a degree in Human
Development, and completing her Master’s in
Education, computers changed Annie’s life as she
and her husband, David, began exploring ways
in which technology could be used to empower
young people. In 1977, the Foxes opened Marin Computer Center, the world’s
first public-access microcomputer facility. That led Annie to write her best-sell-
ing book, Armchair BASIC: An Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Microcomputers and
Programming in BASIC(McGraw-Hill, 1982). From there she became an award-
winning writer and designer of children’s CD-ROMs.
In 1996, Annie came up with the idea for The InSite (,
including the “Hey Terra!” relationship advice section for teens. The popularity
of Hey Terra led her to write The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating.Her
other books include: Too Stressed to Think? A Teen Guide to Staying Sane When
Life Makes You CRAZY(Free Spirit, 2005), co-authored with Ruth Kirschner.
Annie’s groundbreaking new Middle School Confidential™ series began in 2008
with Book 1: Be Confident in Who You Are, Book 2: Real Friends vs. The Other Kind
(June 2009), and Book 3: What’s Up With My Family?(January 2010). (That’s all
we can tell you for now. Stay tuned!)
When she isn’t answering Hey Terra letters, or appearing at school assem-
blies, speaking at Parenting Events, writing books, blogging, tweeting, and host-
ing her podcast series “Family Confidential: Secrets of Successful Parenting”
(, Annie enjoys hiking, traveling, movies, yoga, and
hanging out with David and their dog (Josie). Annie and David have two grown
Annie can be contacted through her Web site:


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