The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1


22 The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating

from a new perspective, which might lead to solutions. If your sadness is due to
the loss of a relationship, write a letter to the person you’ve lost—the letter is
for you to keep and not to send. As you write, notice how you feel. Read your
writing aloud when you’re done. How do you feel afterward?

  1. Check in with your body. How do you feel physically? Are you hungry,
    thirsty, tired, or premenstrual? Overactive hormones or a lack of food, water,
    exercise, fresh air, or sleep can intensify your emotions. If you’re feeling sad, pay
    attention to your physical needs and take care of your body. This will help you
    feel better physically andemotionally.

  2. Try a change of scenery. Sometimes staring at the same four walls makes
    you feel stuck in your sadness. Getting outdoors and breathing fresh air helps.
    Make plans with someone you enjoy spending time with. Seeing new sights or
    having something to look forward to may raise your spirits.

Sometimes sadness is really more than sadness. When the feelings are very
deep and hard to shake, they may be a symptom of depression. Depression
hangs over you like a dark cloud that won’t go away, and you may feel hopeless
and unmotivated—as though you’ll never be happy again. You may have trouble
sleeping or feel as if you can’t get up to face a new day. You may even have
thoughts of hurting yourself or committing suicide.
If you feel depressed or suicidal, get help right away. Talk to a trusted adult
immediately. You don’t have to face this alone! There are people who care and
want to help you feel better. Remember, you deserve to be happy, and you can be.

When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide for Depressed Teens by Bev
Cobain, R.N.,C. (Minneapolis: Free Spirit Publishing Inc., 1998). Are you feel-
ing helpless, sad, lonely, angry, or unhappy? This book can help you figure out
if you’re depressed. First-person stories of young people with depression let you
know you’re not alone and you can find the help you need.
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