Me, Myself, and I 31
Pros Cons
- free shakes - being inside
- decent pay - being on my feet all day
- flexible work schedule - being around greasy food
- lots of teens around
Pros Cons
- working with little kids - lower pay
- being outdoors - little kids can be challenging
- swimming on the job - not as many other
- will look good on resum ́ e ́ teens around
When you review your lists, don’t just compare the number of items in each
column. Instead, consider how important each pro or con is to you. Maybe you
love being outside, which you’ll get plenty of at the camp. Notice that one of
the cons of working at the fast-food place is that you’re inside all day. This
might push you in the direction of the camp job. On the other hand, maybe
you’re saving money for college, in which case better pay could steer you in the
direction of the fast-food job. Weigh the pros and cons until the right choice
becomes clear.
What happens if you’re still not sure what to do? Talk to people you trust,
find out if they’ve ever faced a similar decision, and ask for their advice—they
may offer ideas you hadn’t considered. Although it’s your decision, it’s some-
times helpful to hear other opinions and get a different point of view. In the
end, you may have to listen to your inner voice or follow your gut feeling about
which choice is right for you.
If you still can’t decide, try one of these strategies:
- Be tough with yourself. Set a deadline for making the decision and stick to
it. For example, tell yourself you’ve got only one day to decide. Think about the
decision as much as you want that day. When your deadline arrives, keep your
promise to decide and follow through no matter what.