The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1



38 The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating

I wish I had a girlfriend!

Hey Terra,

I feel very lonely these days. I wish I had a girlfriend like every other guy I know. When I see
guys my age with their arms around a girl laughing and talking, it just looks so perfect. I’ve
got guys I’m good friends with, but having a girlfriend would really be the best.

Lonely Guy

Dear Lonely Guy,

Most people feel lonely at times, even if they’re in a romantic relationship. Of course, having
someone special to share your life with is a wonderful thing, and part of what a healthy rela-
tionship gives you is a sense of belonging.
It sounds like you already know how to be a good friend, and this is one of the “people
skills” you need to find a girlfriend. But until she comes into your life, don’t worry so much
about the romantic side of your relationship with girls. Instead, find some girls to be friends
with and start enjoying the company of females this way. Friendships are natural and relaxed,
and romances that develop from them have a healthy foundation. Thanks for writing.

In friendship,

I need a boyfriend!

Hey Terra,
I’m fifteen, and all my friends have had boyfriends nonstop since the sixth grade. But I’ve
never even had one,and it’s driving me crazy! I read a lot of teen magazines, and I know a
lot about hair and makeup and cool clothes. I try to look good, and I think I do, it’s just that
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