40 The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating
I’ve looked everywhere for a boyfriend
Hey Terra,
Why can’t I find a boyfriend? I’ve looked EVERYWHERE!
Dear Searching,
Boyfriends aren’t lying around like lost quarters on the sidewalk, waiting for someone to find
them. They’re people living lives, which is exactly what you need to do, too. You’re a valuable,
interesting person—with or without a boyfriend. Relax and stop looking for love.
Once you do, you’ll have extra time and energy, so why not put it to good use? The
world is filled with wonderful things to get involved in: theater, art, sports, community ser-
vice, writing, and more. Find something that interests you, and you’ll meet people. You can
count on it!
In friendship,
I always like guys I can’t get
Hey Terra,
My problem is this: the guys I always fall in love with are ones I can’t get because they already
have girlfriends or they’re super-popular and out of my league. Why do I keep doing that?
Also, I read a lot of romance novels, and I dream about the guys in the books or about movie
stars. In the dreams, these guys always fall in love with me at first sight and I totally fall in love
with them. I know there’s not much chance that I’ll ever meet Leonardo DiCaprio or Brad Pitt,
so why do I keep dreaming about them?
Silly Tilly