46 The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating
Is he up to something?
Hey Terra,
I just met a guy at a party. I’m fourteen, and he’s sixteen. As soon as he saw me, he came over
and started complimenting me on my looks and my clothes, and he said that he thought he
was falling in love with me. Then he asked me if I liked sex. I told him I didn’t know because
I was a virgin. Then he kissed me in a real sexy way, and I couldn’t think straight. Then he
asked me out for this weekend. He said we could go to his friend’s house because that kid’s
parents weren’t going to be home. I haven’t told him yes yet because I’m thinking he might
be too old for me. Do you think he is, and do you think he’s up to something?
Saturday Girl
Dear Saturday Girl,
I’m not as concerned about this guy’s age as I am about his attitude toward girls and his
behavior. You said you couldn’t think straight after he kissed you, which is exactly what he
wanted: a girl who wasn’t thinking straight. This guy seems to be moving way too fast. I think
it would be a mistake for you to go to his friend’s house for several reasons:
- You don’t know this guy.
- You have no reason to trust him.
- He may be more interested in getting physical with you
than getting to know you as a person. - Being alone with this guy could be dangerous.
If you’re not convinced, talk to some girls who are no longer virgins and ask them about guys
who only seem to want sex.
Here’s another idea: if you areinterested in this guy and you want to get to know him,
invite him to go out with you and a group of friends. Find out if you have anything in com-
mon. If he seems sincere about his feelings for you, spend time getting to know him better.
You’re smart not to rush into sex. Keep listening to your inner voice!
In friendship,