What Are Boyfriend /Girlfriend Relationships All About? 47
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Sometimes looking for love isn’t necessary because the person you want has
already been found (she’s in your history class, or he’s your friend’s cousin, for
example). This person has all the qualities you’ve ever dreamed of in a
boyfriend/girlfriend. You know just what you want and where to get it, so every-
thing’s cool, right? Not necessarily.
What if the person you like isn’t aware that you exist? Or what if your
“crush” knows you exist but has never actually said anything to you? What if
you feel too shy or scared to talk to the person? Is there any hope for a rela-
tionship? Of course!
But nothing’s going to happen unless you makeit happen. If you want to
change the situation, you’re going to have to take action.
Have you ever noticed that certain people, no matter what they look like,
always seem to get positive attention? Why is that? Probably because of their
self-confidence.They smile, make eye contact, act friendly, and are genuinely
interested in others. This makes other people feel comfortable around them.
If you’re not feeling particularly confident, especially around someone you
have a crush on, it’s going to be harder to get the attention you want. (But not
impossible!) You might have to push yourself out of your usual comfort zone
and take a risk. Maybe the thought of saying hi to the person you like makes