The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1


What Are Boyfriend /Girlfriend Relationships All About? 49

Of course, some people hide their emotions, and it’s hard to tell what they’re really feel-
ing. If you’re interested in a girl and her behavior doesn’t give you a clue about her feelings,
try option 2.

  1. Ask someone who knows the girl (make sure it’s someone you trust) to
    find out whether she likes you. If the answer is yes, go talk to her. The conversation
    could be the beginning of a relationship.
    If the answer is no, you may be disappointed that she doesn’t feel the same way about
    you, but at least you’re not left wondering. In these kinds of situations, you always have
    a choice. If you’re still interested, you can reach out to this girl in friendship and see what
    develops over time. Or you can put your energy into your friends and hobbies. Or you can find
    another girl to ask out. This gives you the freedom to get on with your life. Good luck!

In friendship,

I’m too shy to talk to her!

Hey Terra,

I’m too shy to talk to the girl I have a crush on. I see her on the bus every day, and she’s really
friendly to everyone. It would be so easy to talk to her during the fifteen-minute ride to school,
but I’m way too shy! What should I do so she’ll notice that I’m interested?


Dear Stressed,

You didn’t mention whether shyness is a problem you have when talking to people in general
or just this girl. If you’re only shy with her, you’re probably worried about making a good
impression. Try a relaxation exercise, where you tense all your muscles while taking a slow,
deep breath. Then relax your muscles as you breathe out slowly. Repeat this a few times.
Next, picture yourself approaching the girl you like and saying hi. Imagine her respond-
ing positively. You could even have an imaginary conversation with her when you’re alone in

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