The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1

52 The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating

serious relationship, consider dating casually, which means going on dates with
people you’re interested in but not committing to an exclusive relationship yet.
It can be scary to ask someone for a date, no doubt about that. Obviously,
you want the person to say yes—but what if the answer’s no? Will your feelings
be hurt? Probably a little. Will you survive? Absolutely. Keep one thing in mind,
and you’ll get over the disappointment much faster: Don’t waste time longing for
people who don’t want to be in a relationship with you. The best boyfriends/girlfriends
are the ones who like you as much as you like them. Forget about the rest.
Dating offers no guarantees, but you can take steps to make the asking-
out process a little easier. Here are a few tips that may help you get the answer
you want:

  1. Ask someone you know. It’s less stressful to ask out someone you know,
    rather than a stranger. If you ask someone you don’t know to go out with you,
    the odds of getting a yes are less than if you ask a person who already knows
    and likes you. Also, if you don’t know the person you’re going out on a date
    with, you might quickly discover that you don’t really have much in common
    or enjoy spending time together. Then you’re on a date that can feel awkward
    and verrrrrylong.

  2. Get friendly with the person first. There’s nothing wrong with being
    attracted to someone you don’t know, but just because the person you like is
    “hot” doesn’t automatically mean that he/she would make a fun date or a great
    bf/gf. Take the time to get to know a person beforeyou ask him/her out. (This
    gives the other person a chance to get to know and feel comfortable with you,
    too.) Once the two of you become friendly, or even close friends, you can
    decide whether you’re interested in moving into the bf/gf zone. Remember,
    people who know and like each other as friends firststand a better chance of
    having a healthy romantic relationship than people who don’t know each
    other at all.

  3. Take a deep breath and go for it. You can never win if you’re not will-
    ing to play the game. Dating is fun (it’s definitely a learning experience), and
    it’s a great opportunity to get out in the world and discover what’s important to
    you in a relationship. So take the plunge and ask the big question, “Will you go
    out with me?”

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