The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1

What Are Boyfriend /Girlfriend Relationships All About? 57



Suppose you have all the close friends you need at the moment, but a part of you
is still looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend. If you’re searching for the “perfect”
guy/girl, it’s time for a reality check. No matter how great someone looks,
sounds, and acts, no oneis perfect. Movies, television, magazines, and romance
novels may lead you to believe otherwise, but it’s all just hype.
Here’s the truth: there may be someone who’s right for you, but this person
may not at all resemble your mental image of your dream guy/girl. That’s why
it’s important to determine what you’re reallylooking for in a relationship.
What makes someone a good match for you?To increase your chances of rec-
ognizing the right person when you meet, you have to know what you really
want and need.
To find out what’s important to you, create a “What Matters Most” list. It
will help you sort out what you want in a bf/gf. Don’t focus too much on
appearancewhen you’re making this list. Instead, think about personal quali-
ties or strengths you admire in people. Once you have a clearer image of the
characteristics you’re looking for, it’s easier to recognize a potential match.
Plus, you’ll be more likely to avoid relationships that have little chance of
working out.

What Matters Most
Ten steps to finding what you want in a boyfriend/girlfriend

  1. Get a pencil and some paper. You’re going to make a couple of lists, and
    writing things down (not just keeping them in your head) makes this exercise
    more effective.

  2. Fold the paper in half lengthwise. You’ll now have room for two long

  3. At the top of the left-hand column, write this heading: “I want a
    boyfriend who.. .” or “I want a girlfriend who.. .”

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