The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1

58 The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating

  1. At the top of the right-hand column, write this heading: “I don’twant
    a boyfriend who.. .” or “I don’twant a girlfriend who.. .”

  2. Make the lists. Write down any qualities you’re looking for in a bf/gf. You
    can write about personality traits, values, looks, or anything else. This list can
    be totally private, so don’t hold back! The more detailed you make it, the better.
    You might be really surprised by some of your answers. Don’t censor yourself;
    just write down anything, even if some items contradict others. There are no
    wrong answers here—whatever is true for you is the right answer. Besides, no
    one else will ever see this list, unless you choose to share it.

  3. Keep brainstorming. Make the lists as long and as specific as you can,
    until you finally run out of ideas. After a while, your list might look like this:

  4. Turn all of the negatives into positives. Look at your “don’ts” list and
    start changing the statements to positive “do’s.” This encourages you to focus
    on what you want, not on what you don’twant. For example, you might change
    “I don’t want a boyfriend who’s possessive” to “I want a boyfriend who trusts
    me.” After you’ve done this, cross out the negative statements. Transfer all your
    new “do’s” to your left-hand column.

  5. Get more specific. Review your list to see if any of your wants are vague.
    If you wrote, “I want a girlfriend who’s nice,” you’re not being specific. What
    exactly does “nice” mean to you? (Your girlfriend calls you every night? Never
    breaks dates? Gives you gifts on special occasions?) Be specific if you want
    results; otherwise it’s kind of like walking into a clothing store and telling the
    salesperson, “I want a shirt.” Elaborate on your needs and then cross out the
    vague statements.



  • has a bad temper

  • is into drugs or alcohol

  • acts jealous

  • is conceited

  • is a total slob



  • is available and wants a
    relationship with me

  • is intelligent

  • has a good sense of humor

  • is friendly

  • cares about her looks but
    doesn’t obsess over them

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