The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1


76 The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating

My girlfriend is always late

Hey Terra,

This may not seem like a major problem compared to some letters you get, but my girlfriend
always keeps me waiting whenever I pick her up to go somewhere, and it bothers me. I’m not
just talking about a minute or two, but more like twenty or thirty minutes, every single time.
Because of that, we always miss the beginning of movies. I really love everything else about
her, and I don’t want to break up with her, but I have to admit that when I’m sitting on the
couch waiting, I get annoyed. What can I do to make her be ready on time?

Always Waiting

Dear Always Waiting,
If you haven’t already told your girlfriend how you feel, do it now. Her behavior shows a lack
of respect for you and your time, and respect is an essential part of a healthy relationship.
Some people seem to be chronically late, but they can learn to better handle their sched-
ules. If your girlfriend is willing to change, work with her. For example, if you’re going to a
movie that starts at 8:00 and it takes ten minutes to get from her house to the theater, tell
her you’ll be at her house at 7:15. Call before you leave your house to give her fair warning. She
should be ready to go when you arrive.
The most important thing to do is to tell her that you want to be treated with respect.
Let her know that when she’s constantly late, you feel like you aren’t important to her. If your
girlfriend isn’t willing to be on time for you, you have a decision to make: you can leave the
relationship, or you can stay with her and continue to be irritated when she’s late. Another
choice is to accept that she won’t ever be ready on time, and then bring a book so you’ll have
something to do while waiting. It’s up to you to decide! I wish you the best.

In friendship,
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