The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1

REDEFINING RELATIONSHIPS............................................................................. 84
From nearby to long distance................................................................................... 85
My girlfriend lives in another part of the state.. .86 How can our relationship last when
my boyfriend is away?... 87
Friends or something more?..................................................................................... 88
She only thinks of me as her best friend.. .88 I went out with my best friend, but it didn’t
work out.. .89 Should I tell her how I feel?.. .90 Will he ever kiss me?... 91

Chapter 4: Sex, Unhealthy Romantic

Relationships, and Good-byes........................................................ 93

GETTING CLOSER PHYSICALLY........................................................................... 94

SEX AND PHYSICAL RISKS................................................................................ 95
Pregnancy............................................................................................................. 96
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)......................................................................... 96
Did we have sex?.. .97 What is this rash?.. .98 My girlfriend is pregnant!... 99

SEX AND EMOTIONAL RISKS........................................................................... 101
How do you know when you’re ready for sex?.. .102 My girlfriend and I ended up having
sex, but I didn’t want to.. .103 I don’t want to have sex, but I don’t want to lose him!... 104

UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS........................................................................... 106
My boyfriend is totally mean to me.. .109 I’m afraid to ask my girlfriend what’s going on with
her.. .110 My boyfriend questions my every move.. .111 He loves me, but he hits me... 112

SAYING GOOD-BYE.......................................................................................... 113
I don’t like her as much as I used to.. .116 What’s going on with my boyfriend?... 117
I’m not happy with my girlfriend, but I don’t want to be alone.. .118 My boyfriend thinks
I’d be perfect if I’d only change a few things.. .119 My girlfriend told people we broke up,
but we didn’t!.. .120 Can I break up with my boyfriend without hurting him?... 121

GETTING OVER A BROKEN HEART.................................................................. 122
My boyfriend says he doesn’t know why he dumped me.. .124 I’m having a hard time
getting over my girlfriend.. .125 I miss my ex, and I want her back!.. .126 My girlfriend
dumped me.. .127 I’m not over him yet.. .127 How can I get him to love me again?... 128

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