
(Dana P.) #1
C h a p t e r 6



“Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your
spiritual fervor in serving the Lord”
(Rom. 15:11).

Good leaders are inevitably passionate people. Effective leaders are always
characterized by a high level of zeal...enthusiasm...zest...vitality. This
priority of passion is one of the most universally defining characteristics of
leadership. A leader’s passion is one of the things that quickly distinguish
him from other less passionate people. The fact that he exudes passion in
his personality is one of the attractive attributes that draw people around

Unfortunately, too many people go through life rather dispassionately

  • they are just not very excited about anything! As a result of this
    lack of passion, many people feel their lives are about as exciting as a
    bowl of warm Jell-O! Because they have a low level of passion and
    little purpose, their lives have settled down to the lowest common
    denominator of bland...tasteless...colorless...purpose-less...aimless...
    offense-less middle-class mediocrity! There is just not much excitement
    there! They are not really living – they are just going through the motions
    of life. Rather than “making time,” they are just “marking time” – much
    less “...redeeming the time” (Eph. 5:16).

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