
(Dana P.) #1

Passion is concentrated wisdom with high energy in the pursuit
of meaning.^12

The key phrase here is “concentrated wisdom with high energy.” This is the
balance that leadership must have in order to be sustained with dignity
and integrity. In this definition, there is “concentrated wisdom” – or purpose;
plus “high energy” – or passion. When there is a purified and passionate
purpose in the life of a leader – it concentrates his energy. It focuses his life. It
galvanizes his resources. Without that focus, his leadership passion becomes
confused and diffused. He is no longer a focused spot light – but rather a
diffused flood light. Fred Smith amplifies this need of focus this way:

The advantages of passion are multiple. It brings purpose, unity,
intensity, concentration assuring accomplishment. It gives intentionality
to life. Passion gives depth, keeping us from the shallowness of

I love that little phrase that Smith uses when he says that passion “
intentionality to life!” Passion means that you live your life intentionally
rather than randomly. Instead of just drifting through life, you are directed
and driven through life. Every Christian leader lives with a divine intention
that motivates and concentrates his life. He has an intentionality to his life
that produces inspiration in the lives of others. That intentionality is what
sharpens his life and causes him to want to stay on the “cutting edge” of
what God is doing in the world. That passionate intentionality in his life
also gives him the ability to attract others to the cause. It is only that
divine passion that keeps the leader and follower from settling down in the
“shallowness of mediocrity!” That’s why Fred Smith concludes:

Every effective leader is imbued with passion. An accomplishment
is often in direct proportion to the amount and intensity of the
leader’s passion. Passion is contagious for followers.^14

“In leadership, focused passion accomplishes
much more than scholarly intellect.”^15
(Fred Smith)

Dr. Ramesh Richard agrees with the importance of concentration and focus
in the life of the leader. He warns leaders: “If you have multiple passions,
you’ll be ripped to pieces internally, resulting in a fragmented, random life.”^16

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