
(Dana P.) #1

Christ and the defining passion of His life, it is also to be the defining
passion of every authentic Christian leader. People are far more influenced
by how much we love than they are impressed by how much we know!
Leaders need to learn that they can far better influence through their love
than they can impress through their knowledge. They emphasize loving over
knowing. People will not remember how much we knew – but rather how
much we loved!

“In the fi nal analysis we are what we love.”^26
(Richard Phillips)

A basic principle of leadership is this: “It is not until love is felt that the
message is heard.” It is only when love is verbalized and visualized by the
leader that people are compelled to follow. That kind of incarnational love
must oftentimes be vulnerable, or sensitive and susceptible to others. Also,
the very nature of agape love is that it is vicarious, or willing to suffer with
others – as well as suffer for others. Agape is both a sensitive love and a
suffering love.

“It is not until love is felt that the message is heard.
Th erefore, agape love must be verbal, visual,
vulnerable and vicarious.”

In conclusion, it is because of this loving passion that Christian leaders
are committed to excellence rather than mediocrity. Leaders tend to have
a natural “passion for excellence.” Leaders also understand that excellence
always takes effort. True excellence is never achieved effortlessly! As a
result, leaders are never satisfied with what is “average...ordinary...
usual...normal...acceptable.” While others may want to “do just enough to
get by” – leaders want to “do whatever it takes to fly high!” As John Maxwell
says: “Highly competent people always go the extra mile. For them, good enough
is never good enough.”^27

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