
(Dana P.) #1

by excuses. It is a growing spiritual passion for God’s glory that motivates
Biblical leaders to live by the ideal of “EXCELLENCE FOR CHRIST!”
They are seeking to do the very best they can...where they are...with
what they have – for God’s glory. It is this supernatural passion that more
and more refines their natural passion – and frees them from excuses...
procrastination...blame-shifting...rationalization...mediocrity – and general
low-level living!

“A true leader loves excellence.”^31
(Fred Smith)

This passion for spiritual excellence increasingly spills over into other
areas of a leader’s life – which is why good leaders generally strive to
excel in everything they do. They usually have learned from painful personal
experience that when they lose passion in one area of life, it soon erodes
their passion in other areas of life. The central passion that defines and
refines a leader’s life is their passion for God. It is only a passion for God that
produces a Godly passion! Only a Godly passion will purify, balance and
sustain all of the other passions of life!

“Energy coupled with enlightened enthusiasm results
in ‘Excellence for Christ.’”
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