
(Dana P.) #1



    • More than 50 percent of all CEOs of Fortune 500 companies
      had C or C- averages in college. Nearly 75 percent of all U.S.
      Presidents were in the bottom half of their school classes. And
      more than 50 percent of all millionaire entrepreneurs never
      finished college. What makes it possible for people who might
      seem ordinary to achieve great things? The answer is passion.
      Nothing can take the place of passion in a leader’s life.^32

    • There is no substitute for passion. It is fuel for the will. If
      you want anything badly enough, you can find the will power
      to achieve it The only way to have that kind of desire is to
      develop passion.^33

    • Leadership demands a strong will – not a selfish or stubborn
      will, but a determined will to do what needs doing. By will
      we overcome our yen for pleasure and our satisfaction with

    • How do you motivate?
      j Challenge motivates
      k Enthusiasm motivates
      l Judgment motivates
      m Integrity motivates
      n Caring motivates
      o Communication motivates
      p Participation motivates 35

    • Who motivates you? Who motivates the leader? The answer is: no one.
      I’m self-motivated. A leader’s motivation is the result of spontaneous
      combustion. They set themselves on fire. They have a fire within
      that drives them, compels them. That’s why they are leaders. So if
      you can’t ignite yourself, you can’t ignite another.^36

    • Too many times when people get in positions of leadership they
      start to rest on their laurels. They get to the top and stop!...
      At that point, the three “I” sins usually show up: indifference,

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