
(Dana P.) #1

  1. Cop-Outs: People who have no goals and do not commit;

  2. Hold-Outs: People who are afraid to commit;

  3. Drop-Outs: People who drop out when the going gets tough;

  4. All-Outs: People who pay the price to reach the goals.^3

Effective leaders are always trying to activate the potential within people.
Leaders are not just interested in reaching their own potential. They
are interested in helping others reach their potential. A leader reaches his
potential by helping other people reach their potential. Leaders are
especially perceptive of people potential.

“A leader’s potential is reached
by helping others reach their potential.”

Leaders also understand that a person’s potential is reached as he or she
loses themselves in a cause greater than themselves. It is a great cause that
makes people great. Simply put: “Vision produces valor.” Leaders are not
only perceptive of people, they are also perceptive to the opportunities
that will call forth the potential within people. Leaders often see potential
where others see problems. They see opportunity when others see only
opposition. They see in people and situations opportunities that others do
not see. While others either can’t see or won’t see, leaders see what could be.
Others see things as they are – rather than as they could be. The leader’s
spiritual and mental vision of the things that could be are greater than his
physical vision of the things as they are. The Apostle Paul spoke of this
principle when he reminded the Corinthian Christians:

“God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the
wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame
the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and
the despised things – and the things that are not – to nullify
the things that are, so that no one may boast before Him”
(I Cor. 1:27-29).

It is only Godly leadership that transforms obstacles into opportunity...
problems into potential – and replaces the seen with the unseen. One person’s
setback becomes another person’s set-up! As a result, effective leadership
overcomes the obstacles, objections and opposition around them. A leader

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