
(Dana P.) #1

relational plan in mind, I just “put some key young people in my hip pocket”

  • and virtually lived with them night and day. Together we faced almost
    every conceivable life situation – and in the process sought to apply God’s
    Word and Spirit to that particular issue. Over time we squarely faced
    all of the perennial youth issues:
    hell, etc. We sought to create a totally safe environment of unconditional
    love where any question could be asked, any fear could be talked about,
    any doubt could be expressed, any sin could confessed, and failure could
    be faced. Through it all, we were trying to give them Biblical answers

  • rather than pat answers. We wanted to anchor them firmly in God’s
    Word – not in our opinions. We sought to help them develop a holistic
    Biblical worldview. While these young people were constantly under my
    wing, I was by necessity hovering under God’s gracious and strong wings
    (Ps. 36:7). As a result, we all grew spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and
    relationally together.

“Leadership development is based upon selectivity,
simplicity, time, discipline, focus, practicality, and

Thirty years later, it is a joy for me to report that the vast majority of
those young people are still walking with the Lord. Many have become
widely known Christian leaders, pastors, missionaries, youth workers,
musicians, writers, educators, physicians, businessmen – active Christians
in almost every profession. Some have been exalted by God to places of
renown and influence that far exceed mine – which is “pay day” for Patt
and me! Whether they are your physical children or your spiritual children,
the greatest joy of parenting is to see your children do well – and even
exceed you! The Apostle Paul said of such people he had won to Christ
and discipled: “You are my joy and crown” (Phil. 41). He further said
that they would be his confidence when he stood before the Lord Jesus to
give an account for his life and ministry:

“What is our hope, our joy or the crown in which we will glory in the
presence of our Lord Jesus when He comes? Is it not you? Indeed, you are
our glory and joy...How can we thank God enough for you in return

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