
(Dana P.) #1

tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the
inside are full of dead men’s bones and everything
unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to
people as righteous but on the inside you are full of
hypocrisy and wickedness...You snakes! You brood of
vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?”
(Matt. 23:11-33).

A good Biblical leader does not become “tradition bound” – regardless
of how “sacred” that tradition may be to himself or to others. He must
never be afraid to try new methods. He
understands the important practical difference between a sacred message
and a non-sacred method. If something is no longer effective and efficient,
an innovative and practical leader will set it aside for a new approach that
is more productive. He also must be pastorally practical in bringing his
people along in their understanding and appreciation of why that change
is necessary, timely and healthy.

“Personal leadership pragmatism must be translated
into practical collective ownership for positive change
to take place.”

Everyone who has taken the time to study it knows that the Bible is the
most practical and pragmatic book in human history. It really “tells it like
it is!” Its message always goes to the heart of the problem – which is always
the heart of man. Its approach is first and foremost pragmatic – because it
deals with the root of the problem, rather than the fruit of the problem. It is
also practical in its solutions because it helps man deal with the fruit – or
consequences of his sin and disobedience – through repentance, restitution
and restoration.

The Bible is both pragmatic in its diagnosis, and practical in its prognosis!
It confronts man with the real problem and offers him a realistic solution.
Because of this resource, Christian leaders should be giving the most practical
and pragmatic leadership in society! Remember: “Spirituality is practicality.”
The more authentically spiritual a leader is, the more practical his
leadership will be. If a person is not intensely practical, he is not innately

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