
(Dana P.) #1

and virtues of natural and supernatural leadership. All other leaders fall
far short of His perfect model. As a result, all leaders have their strengths
and weaknesses...assets and liabilities...abilities and inabilities...successes and
failures. As you study through this list of “20 Principles of Leadership,”
do not become frustrated if you do not exhibit all of them. None of
us do. I certainly do not! But use this list as a leadership guide to growth.
Some of you reading this book will find that you just naturally exemplify
certain characteristics of a good leader. However, in order to see other
characteristics develop in your life, it will take a supernatural endowment
by the Holy Spirit! Through the Spirit and the Wo rd, you may learn
some of these leadership characteristics rather quickly. For others to be
manifested and matured in you, it will take a lifetime of disciplined study
and striving. Either way, God wants you to develop and mature as a leader.
So let’s begin this study – and continue to play “Follow the Leader.” It will
be the leadership journey of a lifetime!

“Th ere has only been one perfect Leader, and that
is the Lord Jesus Christ!”
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