
(Dana P.) #1

“Even the right decision is the
wrong decision if it is made too late.”^1
(Lee Iacocca, Industrialist)

At that point they will be like the men of Issachar. The Bible says it was
a defining time of national crisis in the life of Israel. It was a time when
visionary leadership was desperately needed! We read that “...the men of
Issachar...understood the times and knew what Israel should do” (I Chron.
12:32). It was only when they correctly discerned the seriousness of the
hour in which they were living that they could take the proper action and
do what “...Israel should do.”

We can also see in this verse about the “men of Issachar” another
important principle of leadership: “A keen sense of timing is often what
distinguishes a person and causes him to emerge as a leader.” A common question
about leadership is this: “Do the times make the man, or does the man make the
times?” I think it is both. Even though there is a certain mystery in time
that we do not always fully understand, we know that history often pauses
for a moment at a certain strategic intersection. At that kairos moment,
certain significant events emerge that provoke a conflict and crisis. This
creates a social or political turmoil that makes it a strategic time in the
history of that nation. It becomes one of those defining moments in life –
and often a turning point in history. While those events are merging and
converging, most people are unaware of their significance. It is often at
that moment that a discerning person arises from the masses to take the
challenge – and in the process ends up taking charge. He emerges as a leader
who has correctly discerned the kairos moment – and seized it, for better
or worse. It becomes a distinguishing moment for him, and often a defining
moment in history. This is true in military conflicts...
political events...athletic games...or spiritual movements. It is both the
“times that make the leader; and the leader that makes the time!” Strategic
leaders therefore need a good sense of timing.

“Th e most important ability of a leader is timing.”^2
(Fred Smith)
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