
(Dana P.) #1
C h a p t e r 1



“We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.
If a man’s gift is...leadership, let him govern diligently”
(Rom. 12:6-8).

When I use the word purpose, I am speaking of the single most
distinguishing feature in a leader’s life – VISION! Simply put, leaders are
people of vision. They are people of purpose. Leaders are often spoken of as
visionaries. They have a compelling vision that has resulted in a complete
revision of their lives! It is their vision that makes them a “marked man” or
“marked woman.” It is vision alone that produces virtue and value in their
lives. Their vision distinguishes them from the masses, and causes them
to stand out from the crowd. Vision is the foundation of all true leadership.
As J. Oswald Sanders noted:

Those who have most powerfully and permanently influenced their
generation have been ‘seers’ – people who have seen more and farther
than others – persons of faith, for faith is vision.^1

“Leaders are visionaries. They have
a compelling vision that has caused a
complete revision of their lives.”
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