
(Dana P.) #1

“Th ere’s one thing worse than missing
your dreams. It’s never to have had one.”^2
(Paul Powell)

An authentic vision includes sight...insight...foresight...far-sight. Therefore,
every new institution...
new break-through – is the result of
vision. These radical changes do not happen accidentally, capriciously, or
randomly. Every new thrust that is made, every new barrier that is broken,
every new threshold that is crossed, is because someone had a vision and
laid hold of it like a snapping turtle! They laid hold of it with untiring
tenacity because it first laid hold of them with unrelenting pressure! Paul
Powell described this crucial visionary aspect of leadership this way:

Vision has nothing to do with sight. It is a process of the mind. It is
mental, not visual. It is seeing what everybody has seen but thinking what
nobody has thought. The best leaders and the most powerful motivators
have always been those with the ability to see today what others see
tomorrow, to envision great things occurring in the future, and to see
them happening in great detail.

Ideas are the great moving force of history. For that reason, thinking
is the single most important ingredient of leadership...we can never be
free to do what we cannot think...You can mark this down, the difference
between monumental littleness and greatness is not talent, nor charm,
nor financial resources. The difference is vision. The great challenge
of leaders, then, is to use their God-given and God-like ability to think
and dream. To use their eyes for something more than just to keep from
bumping into things. So if you are in a place of leadership, wake up and
start dreaming. Take off your night cap and put on your thinking cap!^3

Powell concludes these thoughts with a cogent quote by D.K. Caldwell:

Big men think big; little men don’t think!^4

Former President Richard Nixon made this observation:

All the really strong leaders I have known have been highly intelligent,
highly disciplines, hard workers, supremely self-confident, driven by a
dream, driving others. All have looked beyond the horizon.^5
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