We ought to make enemies by our position, not by our disposition. Some
leaders act like they brush their teeth with gunpowder. They go around
shooting off their mouth.^37
The mentor helps you answer the “dream question”, “How can I make
the most significant difference for God in my lifetime?”^38
Individuals alone, no matter how competent or charismatic, never
have all the assets needed to overcome tradition and inertia except in
very small organizations...Because major change is so difficult to
accomplish, a powerful force is required to sustain the process.^39
Integrity grows with proper association. Our friendships not only
define us, but develop and energize us.^40
...challenge those on the sidelines. There are always many people
on the sidelines...They can respond to inspired leadership, they can
complain about injustice and incompetence, but left to themselves they
are more than willing to not take a solid stand. Leaders often make the
mistake...of not confronting such people. The shepherd has a bent for
protecting those who are weaker, for taking all the burden on himself
or herself. But in reality this is no help to t he fence-sitter; though he
may survive by avoiding all confrontation, this survival comes at a
fearsome cost to the soul. What is it that fence-sitters be challenged to
do? To live up to the spirit of the offices they hold...Those seeking to
initiate change, must challenge those on the sidelines. The calling must
find expression or else it dies.^41
Be a team builder, not an empire builder...The secret to good leadership
is always in getting good people. The best leader is one who has sense
enough to pick good people to do what he wants done, and self-restraint
enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.^42
John D. Rockefeller said, in explaining his success: “I simply hired men
who were smarter than I.”^43
The true leader is concerned primarily with the welfare of others...^44