
(Dana P.) #1

“A good vision has a certain elegant simplicity”
(John Kotter)

What he is saying is that even though in the conception stage, a vision
may initially be something mental, mystical, ethereal, and abstract; the
application of that vision to every day life must be very simple...basic...
concrete...mundane...routine...ordinary. It is in the communication and
application phase of a vision that things often break down between the
visionary and the people. The desirable change does not take place. The
result is frustration for both the leader and the follower. That’s why
Kotter says: “A good vision has a certain elegant simplicity.”^19 Therefore,
Kotter teaches his students that an effective vision must have at least six
essential features:

Imaginable: Through it people must be able to imagine what
the future will look like.
Desirable: It must appeal to the long-term interest of the
people involved.
Feasible: It must be realistic and attainable.
Focused: It must be clear enough to provide guidance and
decision making.
Flexible: It must allow for individual initiative and
changing conditions.
Communicable: It is easy to communicate and can be successfully
explained in a few sentences.

“A transformational vision fi rst transforms the
thinking and living of the leader, who in turn
becomes the change agent to transform the thinking
and living of the follower.”
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