
(Dana P.) #1

Larry Burkett........................Financial Ministry
Nicky Cruz..........................Ministry to Gang Members
Josh McDowell......................Christian Apologetics
Ralph Winter.......................World Missions
Patrick Johnstone...................Unreached People
Luis Bush..............................AD 2000
John Haggai..........................National Leader Training
James Dobson........................Focus on the Family
Chuck Colson........................Prison Ministry
Jack Van Impe.......................Prophecy
R.C. Sproul..........................Reformed Theology
Elisabeth Elliot.....................Ministry to Women
John Maxwell......................Leadership Development
Max Lucado.........................Inspirational Author
Frank Peretti........................Christian Fiction
Jay Adams............................Christian Counseling
David Seamands.....................Emotional Healing
Beverly LaHaye.....................Ministry to Women
Kay Arthur.........................Precepts Ministry
Chuck Swindoll.....................Radio Bible Teacher
Bruce Wilkinson...................Walk Through the Bible
Ravi Zacharias.......................Apologetics, etc.

If space and time permitted, this representative list of noted American
Christian leaders could be greatly amplified by just as many national
Christian leaders. Most of the leaders in this list are seasoned “senior
saints” who have faithfully lived and ministered for decades. Some of
them are in the final phases of their lives and leadership and some are
already with the Lord. Since God will never be without a witness in any
age, He is raising up another whole generation of younger leaders who
will step out of the shadow of these older faithful leaders, and make
their own impact for the kingdom of God. Scores of them are already
distinguishing themselves in various areas of ministry.

In addition to these noted western Christian leaders, there are even more
Christian leaders in other developing countries of the world who are
just as known and important to God. Just as many of them live in so-
called “developing countries,” their spiritual leadership is also developing
in both depth and breadth for God’s Kingdom and glory. Even though
many of them live and lead in Third World countries, their leadership is
“first rate” and “First World” quality in every sense of the word! If space

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