
(Dana P.) #1

implementation of a prophetic vision. Harvard Business Professor, John
Kotter, has observed:

Vision refers to a picture of the future with some implicit or
explicit commentary on why people should strive to create that
future...Vision serves to facilitate major changes by motivating
action that is not necessarily in people’s short-term self-interests.
The alterations called for in a sensible vision almost always
involves some pain...A good vision helps to overcome this natural
reluctance to do what is often painfully necessary by being hopeful
and therefore motivating.^3

“Prophetic vision often leads to long-term persecution
for the leader, and short-term pain for the follower.”

Prophetic leadership integrity necessitates that the leader must be the first
one to take the lead in the implementation of the futuristic vision. He must never
call others to make changes in preparation for the future that he is not
willing to make first. He must take the initiative to live out...flesh out...
incarnate...demonstrate the prophetic paradigm shift. The leader must not
only speak prophetically, he must also live prophetically! As a leader, he must
practically incarnate his message for people to see. To express it more plainly,
a leader must walk the talk. He must not only lead by exhortation, he must
also lead by example. As Harvard Business School’s John Kotter writes:

Often the most powerful way to communicate a new direction is
through behavior...When they see top management acting out
the vision, a whole set of troublesome questions about credibility
and game playing tends to evaporate...We call such behavior
‘leadership by example.’ The concept is simple. Words are cheap,
but action is not. The cynical among us tend not to believe words
but will be impressed by action...In short: Nothing undermines
the communication of a changed vision more than behavior on the
part of key players that seems inconsistent with the vision.^4

Again, if there is going to be leadership integrity, the one out front must
not only speak prophetically, he must also live prophetically!

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