
(Dana P.) #1

go back to the older and slower, but predictable, method of writing by hand.
In the same way, followers eventually quit following erratic, unstable,
unpredictable leaders!

If every leader is honest with himself, he will readily confess that neither
consistency nor predictability is a part of his nature. As well intentioned
as we may be, we are all inconsistent...erratic...unpredictable. Christian
leaders have an advantage over worldly leaders. We can draw from the
nature of God – Who is always consistent and predictable. One of the
greatest attributes of God is His unchangeableness. This divine attribute
is theologically known as the immutability of God. He has not...does not...
will not change. Only God can say with absolute integrity: “I the Lord do
not change” (Mal. 3:6; c.f. Num. 23:19; Heb. 7:21). That’s why the Apostle
James could confidently say that God our heavenly Father: “...does not
change like shifting shadows” (Ja. 1:17). Likewise, the writer of Hebrews
could with absolute certainty point to the Lord Jesus, and affirm: “Jesus
Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Heb. 13:8).

In addition to the example and inspiration of the immutable character
of God, the Christian leader can also draw upon the person and power
of the Holy Spirit to build consistency and predictability in his life and
leadership. Three of the fruit of the Holy Spirit are “...patience...
faithfulness...and self-control” (Gal. 5:22). It is when we do not have
those virtues growing in our life that our leadership becomes inconsistent,
erratic, and unpredictable. To lead others, we constantly need patience and
faithfulness. To lead ourselves, we constantly need self-control.

“ To lead others we need patience and faithfulness. To
lead ourselves, we need self-control.”

Oswald Sanders wrote this about the necessity of the Holy Spirit for a life
of spiritual leadership:

To be filled with the Spirit is to be controlled by the Spirit. The
Christian leader’s mind, emotions, will and physical strength all
become available for the Spirit to guide and use. Under the Spirit’s
control, natural gifts of leadership are lifted to their highest power,
and sanctified for holy purposes. Through the work of the...
ungrieved and unhindered Spirit, all the fruits of the Spirit start
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