
(Dana P.) #1

no matter how many promises God has made, they are
‘ Yes’ in Christ. And so through Him the ‘Amen’ is spoken
by us to the glory of God” (II Cor. 1:16-20).

Leaders must say what they mean, and mean what they say. Too many Christian
leaders and followers are like many politicians – they say one thing and do
another. They give their word on an issue, knowing that they will not
follow-through on what they have said. They say “Yes” when they really
mean “No,” and vice-versa. They make promises and commitments that
they have no intention of fulfilling. When the performance does not match
the promise – integrity is lost. That’s why I have always been challenged
by the definition of integrity that says: “Say what you really think, and do
what you say you are going to do.” That’s the kind of leadership integrity
that produces predictability and credibility – and results in confidence and
security in the life of the follower.

“Th e law of predictability says: Speak what you
really believe. Say what you are going to do —
and do what you say.”
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