
(Dana P.) #1

A good leader certainly does not ignore the realistic negative facts and
factors in life. Even though a wise leader does not ignore negative factors,
he never allows them to shatter his vision and destroy his purpose.
Every wise leader clearly recognizes that there are many problems in life.
However, while others become crippled and inept before a particular life
problem – or run away from it in fear – a good leader squarely faces the
problem and works out a viable solution. Good leadership is based upon
good problem solving. (We will look at this more under the chapter “Leaders
are problem-solvers”.) Oftentimes it is the timely solving of a problem that
separates and marks out the leader from the rest of the people.

While others become crippled by the problem, the leader becomes challenged,
motivated, and energized by the possibility! Leaders tend to focus more on the
opportunity than they do on the opposition. It is not that they are blind to
the problems that may exist – or ignorant of the opposition they may face.
Mature Biblical leaders do not fall into the folly of either the “Power of
Positive Thinking,” or “Possibility Thinking” that is largely humanistically
based. Their positive thinking is based upon the doctrine of Providence –
which means “the benevolent guidance of God.”

Christian leaders choose to believe that God is a sovereign God Who has
all power to accomplish His purposes; but that He is also a benevolent
God whose purposes for mankind are good and gracious. Their focus is
more on the promises that come from God than upon the problems that
confront man. They strongly believe the Biblical promise: “Everything
is possible for him who believes” (Mk. 9:23).

“While others are crippled by the problem,
leaders are energized by the possibilities.”

In the natural world, leaders clearly understand that they are inadequate
for most of the tasks of Christian leadership that they face. They also
know that if they only attempt the possible, they will get the credit for
whatever is accomplished – and God will be robbed of the glory! But
when God accomplishes the impossible through them, there is no way they
can take credit! God receives the glory that He alone deserves! Christian
leaders have learned to increasingly focus on the sovereignty of God...the
Lordship of Christ...the power of the Spirit...and the authority of Scripture.
That’s where their confidence lies – not in themselves, but in Him. When

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